

House & Home


The "Stanar" mobile application is the first integral part of a larger platform that has the following goals:1. To make communication between tenants of one building easier and more frequent2. To make the process of reporting defects and problems in the building easier and more efficient through an organized process of creating orders, approving orders and monitoring ordersStanar platform includes several applications1. "Tenant" mobile application. Intended exclusively for building tenants, it facilitates mutual communication between tenants, as well as between tenants and the tenants floor representative2. "Tenant - Administrator" web application. Intended exclusively for the condominium representative, as an administrator interface through which he manages tenant profiles and approves orders, documents, etc.3. Mobile application "Tenant - Service". Intended exclusively for service technicians and employees by the Manager, with which service technicians manage their assigned orders and report the status of open orders and related failures4. "Tenant - Manager" web application. Intended exclusively for the management team Manager, through which they can manage orders, service providers, accounts and documents.The entire platform is still under development, and each application within the platform is in a different stage of development.Given that this platform depends a lot on the tenants and your feedback when using it, please contact us via the "Feedback" option in the main menu of the application, and give us ideas, suggestions or simply report any problems you encountered while using it. this platform. Thank you!